Network Update
Although not all GB’s have been onboarded yet, to avoid any more delays, we have decided to open the network publicly by January 9th.
To avoid the current gb’s from gaining an unfair advantage while new gb’s are coming aboard, we have decided to temporarily hide voting functions from network users until all gb’s are up and have had time to build their profiles and reward offerings.
We will still be opening up staking but this first option will not have a gb attached. This will allow early adopters to stake 12 months without any gb gaining votes. This will ensure no unfair advantages from early gb’s.
By opening up the mainnet, this will allow for developers to start building their dapps, investors can stake and gb’s have time to build without the need for any more delay.
You may have noticed some features have opened up on the network and will continue to do so this week. Please wait for the official announcement to use these features.
Although we have missed our last date, we have not slowed down and are releasing by end of this week (Jan 9th) While we make the final preparations, we thank the community for their patience.